...............Graffiti in Granada


Yes, GRAFFITIdawg has contacts all around the world. Just recently one sent some interesting graffiti pics from Spain. 


This first image of a human heart was photographed in Cordoba. The caption attached "The Heart is bigger than the world" both eloquent and apt.

The following images are all found around Granada, Spain. They tell a lot about the cultural diversity found within the area. I've kept the images large so that you are able to see the amazing detail that the artists has been able to capture and express.

Below you will find a link graffiti'd on a wall (click the image).. GRAFFITIdawg checked it out, it's still under construction... but by the looks.. will be up soon.

If you have any graffiti images that you would like to publish on this blog GRAFFITIdawg